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Estonia Kihelkonna church

NEW tour launch - A Mid-Summer Natural History Tour of Western Estonia and the Islands

Nov 2, 2018

A Mid-Summer Natural History Tour of Western Estonia and the Islands

The long days of mid-summer are ideal for walks on the forest paths, meadows and sand dunes of the Baltic coast discovering natural habitats and numerous species of wildflowers and birds.

Accompanied by a naturalist guide, we visit town and country including the historic cities of Tallinn, Parnu and Haapsalu and explore the islands off the Western Coast with their delightful landscapes, boutique hotels and wonderful vistas.

The country emerged from centuries of foreign domination in 1991 with its national identity intact or as an Estonian historian put it in an opening to his book, ‘Estonia exists’.One of the last pagan countries to convert to Christianity, Estonia was literally on the warpath of a variety of Imperial and Regal powers from Russia to Sweden and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, once the largest state in Europe.

Trip dates: 21 - 29 June 2019

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