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Corfu meal

Corfiot food offers more than tepid moussaka …

May 22, 2015

Frances Fedden, recently back from Corfu: a Wildflower Walking Tour


Summer came early this year to Corfu. We breakfasted on the terrace overlooking the sea every day in Avlaki, with swifts and swallows streaking and diving across the blue sky above us. Warm, home-made cheese pie tyropita, fresh fruit, honey and yogurt make the most sensational holiday breakfast.


I think we were all agreed the Corfiot food was delicious and dispels the myth of tepid, oily Greek food once and for all. The cuisine reflects the different nations that have conquered the island over the centuries - the Angevins, the Venetians and the British. During the tour we tried grilled sea bass, bream, octopus and prawns, fresh mussels, marinated anchovies, Corfiot bianco fish dish, Corfiot bourdetto, Corfiot pastitsada, chicken with kumquats, lamb slow cooked with potatoes and lemon, local grilled sausage, mixed fried seafood and pasta with shrimps and vegetables.


PASTITSADA - an Italian influenced ragout of veal to be served with short pasta (bucatoni or macaroni)

2 lbs lean cubed veal

1 lb finely chopped onions

a head of garlic peeled and finely chopped

2 tablespoons tomato paste

1/2 cup olive oil

4-5 cloves

2 or 3 bay leaves

1 cinnamon stick

1/3 of a red chilli (optional)

generous amount of freshly ground pepper


1 tablespoon wine vinegar

1 cup white wine


Heat olive oil and saute onions and meat until lightly brown. Add the garlic, spices, herbs and black pepper, add the tomato paste mixed with the wine and the vinegar. Add 1/2 wine glass of water. Simmer for about 1 1/2 hours until the meat is tender, keeping an eye on the liquid content - don't let it dry out, add more water if necessary. Serve with the pasta that has been tossed in a little butter and some Kefalotyri cheese. Parmesan makes a good substitute.